Monday, May 07, 2007

Checklist of things left to do before departing for Mexico

1. Finish packing my bags
2. Write addresses and phone numbers in my mini-notebook
3. Run around the yard
4. Take my last real bath
5. Narrow down my book selection to cut weight
6. Ride my horse once more, slowly
7. Eat 15 more pounds of food
8. Watch CSI: Miami since my Dad isn't here to control the TV
9. Kiss my dogs good-bye
10. Relish my last nights on my featherbed
After Wednesday, I'll be writing in Spanish, so start practicing!

1 comment:

Ami Watkin said...

I can't believe I was missing this writing! You are fabulous. Something I already knew, but is further confirmed by your way with words. Also, that poem is hot. Damn. I might have to jump on the Kentucky bandwagon and start my own blog soon...The queen was back in DC today visiting dubya at the casa blanca. Clearly she followed me home.